A Strong Slovakia
in Europe
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Zomrela Eva Mosnáková. Prežila holokaust, od Kisku dostala štátne vyznamenanie (archívny rozhovor)
Eva Mosnáková zomrela vo veku 95 rokov.6 days ago
Ťažký týždeň: O ťažkej chudobe
Treba si zrejme častejšie pripomínať, že koalícia sa namiesto problémov občanov najprv venovala znižovaniu trestov za korupciu.
Europe's tech progress is being hindered by vendor lock-in and restrictive licensing in cloud computing. Companies need to look beyond short-term profits to foster real innovation and competition. #CloudComputing #DigitalEconomy #Innovation #DraghiReport
China's military drills surrounding Taiwan shows its true color and increase tension in the Taiwan Strait. Confrontation is not helpful for peace and stability in the region.
I fully support Taiwan on their way to join World Health Assemby in Geneva. United, we are stronger! #TaiwanCanHelp #LetTaiwanIn
On 21 May 2021,the political prisoner Vitold Ashurak died in custody.Since then,5 other political prisoners have died in prison.I stand in full solidarity with the courageous people of Belarus who are being held in inhumane conditions @LiberecoPHR
#StandWithBelarus #FreeBelarus