Personal data protection
1. Introductory statement
The provider of the website (hereinafter referred to as the "website") is the Member of the European Parliament Ivan Štefanec (hereinafter referred to as the "provider"). All personal data are processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, repealing Directive 95/46 / EC on Data Protection, hereinafter "GDPR"). In matters concerning the protection of personal data, it is possible to contact the provider at, or via the contact form at
2. Processing of personal data in regards to visiting the website
By consenting to the processing of personal data, the person concerned allows the provider to process the following personal data: name and surname, e-mail, telephone number, data collected using cookies (more about cookies below).
The provider processes personal data only for the purposes of using the website, communication, communication about the provider's activities in the European Parliament, and presentation of the provider's activities for information purposes. Data is not collected for marketing purposes.
Personal data is collected:
i) when filling in the contact form for news subscription on the website in the section "Contact",
ii) when completing the traineeship application with the provider on the website in the section "Traineeships",
iii) when browsing the website using cookies.
Filling in the contact form at and is voluntary and serves exclusively for contacting the provider and communication.
We treat your data responsibly and minimize the processing that takes place.
The person concerned gives the provider consent to the processing of personal data for the above-mentioned purposes for a definite period of time, for a period of 5 (in words: five) years from the date of granting the consent, or until the consent is revoked. The person concerned may withdraw their consent to the processing of personal data at any time in writing. Withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent given prior to its withdrawal.
3. Cookies
Your personal data in the form of cookies for the purposes of the basic functionality of the website serves to improve the experience of the visit, to make using of the website as easy as possible and for the provider to know how visitors use the website. This website does not use data from cookies for any marketing purposes.
4. The rights of the person concerned
The rights of the person concerned are guaranteed by Chapter III of the GDPR and are in particular the following:
- to withdraw consent to processing at any time,
- to request information from the provider about how we process your personal data and request a list of all recipients,
- to request an explanation from the provider regarding the processing of personal data,
- to demand that the provider deletes this data,
- to request access to personal data and have it updated or corrected,
- in case of doubt about compliance with the obligations related to the processing of personal data, contact the provider or the Office for Personal Data Protection, Hraničná 12, 820 07 Bratislava, Slovakia.
5. Recipients of personal data
The personal data of the person concerned may also be processed by other persons through the intermediary of the provider, such as the web hosting provider, the software and IT service provider, the marketing service / PR service provider and the accounting service provider. The provider declares that personal data is collected and used exclusively for the purpose stated in this document for which it was collected.
Learn more about GDPR, privacy and your rights: